Topogyne is the only registered misoprostol in Bulgaria having two indications – termination of pregnancy up to 49 day of amenorrhea, in consecutive application with mifepristone and preparation of cervix uteri for surgical abortion.

Off-label Topogyne is widely used in obstetric practice for birth induction, postpartum bleeding and others, but in different doses.

As part of the approved Risk management plan of Topogyne, Educational materials for medical specialists and patients including a safety card are distributed, so all doctors and women using the medicine are supposed to become acquainted with them.

Drug availability

Availability on the Bulgarian market:

Topogyne 400 mcgr x 1 tablet

Topogyne – a prescription medicine.

Topogyne – a medicine prescribed by a medical specialist which has to be taken in the presence of a medical specialist.

Topogyne – can be freely purchased with a prescription from any pharmacy in the country after an order to the drug distributors NOVUS TRADING.

Recommended pharmacy price of Topogyne

Please, send request on:

Topogyne Distributors for Bulgaria

T: +359 2 8586039;
M: +359 87 7539010